The Lies of Network Marketing

Network marketing doesn’t have to be so hard.
Using the wrong techniques – like trying to force a square peg into a round hole – makes it hard.
Here are some of the lies that have been told by most of the network marketers todays.

Lie #1 - Everyone is your prospect!

Not everyone is your prospect.

Some people love their job and wouldn’t give it up for a million bucks. Some people despise network marketing and would rather be buried alive than be associated with it. Some people despise business in general. Some people think making lots of money is a bad thing. Some people have plenty of money and aren’t looking for anything else. Some people don’t have time. Some people just aren’t cut out to be entrepreneurs and are better off working at McDonald. Some people are perfectly content with where they are in life and have no desire to change. That’s fine.

Whatever the case, you do not need to convince anyone to get into this business. It’s a waste of your time and energy to try and do so.

Please listen very carefully:
No One Is Worth Your Time Until They’ve Shown An Interest In What You’re Offering And Willing To Find Out More About It.

Lie #2 – This really isn’t sales. We just share products with people.

“It’s not selling. It’s sharing!”
One of the main reasons people tell this lie is because they don’t want to scare new prospects away. After all, it’s common knowledge that most people hate sales.

Understand this: Anytime you’re asking another person to give you money in exchange for something, you’re talking about sales. Selling is not sharing and sharing is not selling. Once you get this you’ll understand that you do indeed need to learn effective sales skills. It isn’t enough to just “recommend” your products to people you know. It’s their hard earned money we’re talking about here. And now you need to give them real, solid and compelling reasons to buy your product which normally cost higher than those similar ones out there.

When It Comes To Selling, Far Too Much Attention Is Paid To The Product And Far Too Little Attention Is Paid To The Person Doing The Buying!

Lie #3 – Anyone can do this!

It can be very misleading because the simply fact of the matter is…Not All Network Marketers Are Created Equal. Everyone comes into this game with different advantages and disadvantages.

As we discussed in Lie #2, multi level marketing is a sales business and the amount of sales skills that someone brings to the table in the beginning will have a huge impact on their success. Anyone who wants to can develop sales skills. Some will take longer than others. Obviously someone who has 14 years of sales experience has a bit of an edge on someone with zero sales background and rather poor communication skills in general.

Lie #4 – We’ll build your business for you.

“No selling or recruiting required - we build your downline for you!”

Just like every “get rich quick” scheme that’s ever come along, it’s an easy pitch to sell. Because…People Always Want To Believe That The Road To Success, Fame And Fortune Is Quick, Easy, Painless And Risk-Free.

After all, if it was really that easy everyone would be driving a BMW right? If No Selling Or Anything Else Is Required On Your Part, Then Why Would They Need You?

The answer is: They wouldn’t. If you’re not contributing anything to the business besides a measly sign up fee, there would be no reason to pay you obscene amounts of money.

Lie #5 – We have the best product ever!

It’s not about the product. It’s about the marketing.

Please allow this to sink in:
You Can Have The Most Ground-Breaking Product In The World, But If You’re Not Using Effective Marketing, No One Will Know And No One Will Care.

Think of it this way: A one-of-a-kind product that’s being carried from Chicago to New York is only as good as the truck that’s carrying it. If the truck breaks down and never reaches its destination, it doesn’t matter how great the product inside it is.

Well, your sales and marketing system is the truck that carries your product. No matter how good your product is, it doesn’t matter if your marketing can’t deliver it.

Lie #6 – You just don’t have enough belief!

Let me ask you: If you had highly-qualified prospects to talk to every day that understood what you do, expressed an interest in learning more and were eagerly awaiting your response, do you think that motivation would be a problem for you?


It Was Not Motivation, Desire, Belief Or Any Of That Intangible Stuff That Made The Difference In The Results. It was the system you was using. You can do without the inspirational CDs. You cannot do without a good marketing system.

So there you have it. The 6 great lies of network marketing. I hope it’s given you some fresh insight into this business and helped you realize that there is a better way to do it.

Please read on to the next chapter to find out a better way of running Network Marketing Business.